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Resilient by Design with Rebecca Hay

Feb 24, 2022

In this episode, I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with the intelligent and bubbly Sarah Bilicki to talk about her business journey and all of the changes that she has implemented since she started actively focusing on systemizing her business.

About Sarah Bilicki

Sarah is the Principal Designer of Sarah Elizabeth...

Feb 17, 2022

Today's episode is a rebroadcast from our first season of the podcast all about project productivity.

So what does this mean?

In this episode, I talk about how every project I used to run was chaotic, I thought that was just the way it was in this industry. I share when things shifted for me and some sure-fire ways you...

Feb 10, 2022

If you are looking to grow a team or make your small team bigger, or scale your business in any way, you're going to love my chat with Regan Baker! In this episode, we talk about everything from Regan's internal company structure to her company's transformation over recent years to scheduling 1-hour lunch breaks for...

Feb 3, 2022

This episode comes directly from a question asked in our Designers Meet-up Facebook group, aka a dedicated listener! In episode 89 I spoke about my expenses and one I had listed was a publicist. This created curiosity about why I hired a publicist, what they did for me, and how much it all costs, and so in...