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Resilient by Design with Rebecca Hay

Aug 28, 2020

My guest today is my good friend Heather Hadden.

She is the Realtor, owner & team leader at Hadden Homes here in Toronto. She also happens to be one of the most real and authentic people I know. I've always looked up to Heather.

We met at summer camp years ago as counsellors. She was the leader that all the other...

Aug 20, 2020

My guest today is Brittany Steptoe-Wright of BSW Design, who left her high paying job in the corporate world when she was offered a Design Assistant position with Scott Brother’s Entertainment on HGTV. She now runs her family owned design business with her dad and is committed to sustainable and vegan design. 

In this...

Aug 13, 2020

This one is for all the Millennials out there (turns out that I'm a Millennial also)! 

My guest today is Arika Pierce. She's a Millennial Success Strategist and expert on multigenerational workforces.

She is a keynote speaker and author of The Millennial’s Playbook to Adulting which provides straightforward guidance...

Aug 6, 2020

If there's ever been a year filled with change - 2020 is that year. I recorded today's episode at my family cottage in Muskoka.

It's a reflective one about the necessity of change in our lives and how we handle it. Whether it's your business, your love life, your living situation or other - change can be scary but...